As a member of God’s Family...
*ORDER OF SERVICE (w/music credits) ~ July 24, 2022
Welcome Pastor Mark McClung
*Call to Worship #393, The Family of God
Announcements Wayne Yates
Scripture Reading Psalm 133
A Time of Prayer/Prayer Requests
*Hymn #474, All the Way My Savior Leads
Tithes and Offerings
Children are dismissed for Children’s Church
Message Pastor Mark McClung ~ As a Member of God’s Family,
why should I join the local church?
Scripture ~ Ephesians 4 &
Hebrews 10: 23-25
*Hymn of Invitation #535, I am Thine O Lord
Benediction Chris Morris
*Music/Lyrics Licensed CCLI Lic # 11069322
CVLI Lic # 504307983