Note: Also check the Calendar (if the calendar is incorrect, please contact John Underwood.).  Thank you.

If you need to speak with Pastor Mark McClung his number is 434-391-4617.  Call or text to meet.




  • Our church is growing and that is a great thing! With the growth, more people are
    wanting to use the church. If you’d like to use the church or add something to the
    calendar, please contact Dawn Thomas. Thank you!

  • Cards are appreciated by Gayle Edwards and Marie Haney. They can be sent to
    them at 1540 Founders Rd., Charlottesville, VA., 22902 (Address labels at visitor’s

  • It is time to start planning for Vacation Bible School!  Planning earlier this year will
    put us in a great position to serve Jesus and our community.  If you are interested in
    serving in this ministry please see Barbara Nimmo. 

  • Hope for Appalachia- For April-12 oz body wash and shower puffs. Any
    questions, please see Matt or Tonya Johnson.

  • Please keep the following homebound people in your prayers. They are unable to
    get out and appreciate the church praying for them…
    Marie Haney, Betty McCray and Carolyn Silman

  • As a reminder to church family, the Estes Scholarship has funds available for any individual
    who wishes to attend conferences, conventions, or seminars as supported by the church as
    well as provide aid for students to further their education.  If you are interested in applying for
    the scholarship, please see Wayne Yates.

  • One-Call is the church messaging system to receive church announcements and prayer
    concerns. Please see Teresa Hutchens if you need to be added to the call list.

  • If you have announcements and to help keep the prayer list current, please mark any
    changes and place it in the offering plate. Announcements or changes can also be made by
    contacting Dawn Thomas at dthomas@greenecountyschools.com or 434-962-0569.

Announcements or changes can also be made by contacting Dawn Thomas at dthomas@greenecountyschools.com or 434-962-0569.

Note: This page updated April 26, 2024.  Please refer to our Calendar page to view entire month.  Click Here