Dear Friends and Partners,
The following is copied and shared with permission and reflects a deeply personal perspective forged amid the daily suffering and sacrifice caused by the war in Ukraine. This update is offered to inform and encourage your prayerful support for all who are affected by this tragedy.
If you would like to help us with humanitarian aid efforts you can donate through our website The needs are growing as we keep helping thousands of people to move west within Ukraine and also helping those who want to leave the country temporarily. We need funds most of all for gas, but also for food and various supplies (medical, bed linens, mattresses, etc). Thank you.
Update from Aleksander Malamuzh in Cherkassy:
In 2010, Vova Plotskih and I conducted a mountain evangelization hike through our Crimea. One interesting person then started his journey with the Lord. Three days before the start of the war, my family and I visited him. Meet Oleg and Natasha Goryachenko, parents of 14 children! Despite his status, this FATHER drives refugees out of a war zone. Thank God for such blessed Ukrainians by God! Together we will win!

The Church of the Skinia City Update from Ludmila Pyrig in Lviv:
On Saturday, 4 missiles were launched across our city. First two were heard somewhere in the distance. We had just started a church evening prayer on zoom and suddenly two more were detected pretty close by. We saw the smoke near us. Some of the group got together because the internet was out. On Sunday, as we gathered in the morning for Worship, Sergey (our mission employee) shared his story. His children haven’t taken seriously the fact that we have a war. Boys are boys and they were just running around the apartment and playing soldiers. “But yesterday (Saturday)”, said Sergey, ” for the first time I saw fear in the eyes of our children. We heard rockets flying over our house and explosions went near us. Luke”yan my youngest son scared looked me in the eyes and asked, “Daddy, am I never going to see my children now???!!”. Literally within seconds, the children realized that the war was very close and they could die without growing up.”
(We do not have the right to take photos of the area where the rockets were fired. So here are photos from official sources. Our firefighters fought the fire all evening and night and put it out.)

More from Ludimila Pyrig in Lviv:
Since the first days of the war, many refugees have begun to come to our city. All possible premises – schools, sports clubs, and churches were provided for them. And our church, having a small office, couldn’t stay aside either. At first, we were not ready to give comfortable conditions for the visitors. Thanks to the International Partnership partners for helping us buy beds and now people don’t have to sleep on the floor. We are also grateful to the brothers from Central Church who helped complete the beds with mattresses, pillows and bedding. During this period, our church provided a free shelter for about 40 refugees.

Update from Anastasia Panasenko in Cherkassy:
We pray for our Ukraine!

Update from Pavel Protopopov in Uman:
Today, together with our friend and partner Vitaliy Sobko, director of the NGO Maximum camp, we bought a truck! This will help us with the transportation of humanitarian goods! Now we can drive more and more economically! Thank God!

One more story! Call by phone:
“Pasha, an acquaintance from the service station saw your car and said that your wheels are not just bald, and there are no tires at all… drive me this car, and I’ll replace all 4 wheels for free!”
The country must know its heroes! This is not the first story, and not the last!
Please share these updates with others. I have added direct links to our email, our website, and to the IP Ministry Journal on YouTube to the bottom of this page. Your prayers are precious to us. Thank you!
In Christ,
Brandy Ezzell
International Partnerships