Can GOD Trust You?

Can GOD Trust You?
*ORDER OF SERVICE (w/music credits) ~ December 19th, 2021
Welcome and Announcements
ADVENT ~ Brandon, Anna, Nate, and Luke Flasco
*First Verse of Hymn # 206, Silent Night
*Call to Worship Hymn #181, Joy to the World
A Time of Prayer and Prayer Concerns
*Hymn: #511, We Gather Together
Scripture Reading & Intercessory Prayer
                 NT – John 3: 16
Tithes and offerings
*Special Music Choir
Children’s Church dismissal
Message: Can GOD Trust You? – Guest Speaker Pastor Josh Shifflett
                 NT – KJV 1 John 4:10
*Hymn of Invitation #206 Silent Night
*Music/Lyrics Licensed CCLI Lic # 11069322 CVLI Lic # 504307983

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