General Information


Mark McClung
Please call or text to meet.
Church mailing address: P.O. Box 104 ~ Ruckersville, VA 22968
Church physical address: 6 Moore Road ~ Ruckersville, VA 22968
Church Phone Number: 434-985-7365

Have a building/grounds question or concern?  *Contact Bill T., Property Council Leader. (Please refer to your RBC Directory for phone numbers) 

RBC Deacon Body:
Wayne Y,  Chris M,  and Bill K 

Children’s Church Volunteers for AUGUST:
14-Anna/Marnie, 21-Donna/Kathy, 28-Amber/Teresa

Nursery volunteers for AUGUST:
14-Tonya/Kalyani, 21-Maxine/Judy, 28-Anna/Marnie

August Birthdays:    1-Frank S,  2-Kathy Y,   13-Walter N,   26-Bill T,  26-Elaine,   W30-Janette Mitchell

August Anniversaries:
10-Steve and Glenda E    17-Walter and Barbara N    27-Bill and Dawn T